Re: Primal Defense
You can keep taking the other things, they're fine and won't interfere. :) Just be sure to take it at different times than the bowel cleanse, like way after it, so it can enter a cleaner-than-usual bowel but not be pushed through too fast. See what I mean? :)
Also, if you're currently suffering from candida, you can take mega dosages of Primal Defense for 3 months. Just start out with one dose and slowly (every 3 days) build it up. The most reaction I got from it was a rash on my thigh. It was good to know it was working!!! :)
I think the Garden of Life (the manufacturers) has a webpage but it's currently down. If I remember right, they say one a day for children, at most, 2-3 a day spread out.
You may want to consider taking small dosages of vitamins until you've done some liver management. If the liver isn't in tip-top shape, the vitamins won't be utilized properly or broken down properly and will give the kidneys a ton of work to do.