there is a problem with the nutricentre website - if you do a search and press "Enter" then it resets to the home page. What you have to do is type your query and then *click* on the enter button (do not press your keyboard enter). Click on the link below to go directly to the search results for "Candex".
Please go back and search and you'll see that there are 2 products - candex and candex plus.
I've just been to the Pure essence web page - thats the same candex that I took for several months (candex plus wasn't available at that point). Exactly the same packaging - i.e. made by Pure essense labs.
If you go to google and search for "candex plus" you will get very few hits, showing that it is not a widely available product. If you can get to the bottom of this mystery I'd be very interested to know ...