Thanks for the advice and I certainly will stop it now. The only reason I hung in there is that the person I was buying the products off suggested to give it 6 months. I did have a small improvement at the beginning, but soon faltered after that. I guess I am just tenacious and determined and if I am told to give it so long, I will. Maybe thats stupid also.
I have since found a leading scientist/doctor in the US who has advised me that Candida prefers an Alkaline PH in the gut, and not an Acidic one. This does contradict what you have said, but I presume you are just quoting what Global Health Trax are saying. If indeed Candida does prefer an Alkaline PH, then the whole premise of Threelac is out the window as far as I am concerned. This doctor told me that (quote) "This is why people are helped by taking Acidophilus. Acidophilus means acid-loving. It is a yeast that produces acid, which candida does not like and cannot thrive in".