Re: how many sexual parteners have you all had ?
For years I've been aware that men count, at least until they lose count, but for some reason it makes me smile when someone knows the number. It's so innocent and sweet.
How many, exactly? I guess it depends on what you call sex. Does allowing someone to perform cunnilingus on you count, if all you did was receive, and you didn't enjoy it?
Are you referring to sexual intercourse? Cunnilingus, Fellatio, or all three? What about deep french kissing? It makes girls wet and guys erect. Does that count?
Fellatio seems more like sex than cunnilingus to me, because it requires active participation on the part of the woman, and I am one. With cunnilingus, all you have to do is lay there, be still and it happens to you. You could even conceivably fall asleep and never even notice. How could that be sex?
How about playing with yourself, spanking the monkey someone with a latex glove on your hand?
Is that sex? It's very safe. There is very little chance a glove is going to break.
What about self-gratification parties where everyone sits in a circle and gets themselves off. That can be really cool if you try to coordinate your cllmaxs. And there is nothing unsafe about it. It only requires communication and self control.
You can have several parters simultaneously at Jack and Jill party.
Is it sex if you simply look into each others eyes and have an cllmax together, without ever touching, or to you have to do something unsafe before it counts as being lovers? What is sex?
What if someone exposes himself to you and you didn't want to see it? Was it sex or was it rape? Where do you draw the line? Is it sex if you enjoy it and rape if you don't? What do you call a person that you have sex with if you don't enjoy it? A lover? I think not. A sexual partner? Do you want to know how many people others have had sex with, or how many lovers they've had?
What is a lover? Someone that you enjoyed sex with? Someone you had an cllmax with? Someone you have sex with and you wish you could have an cllmax with? Someone who will kiss you during sex? Is it making love if the person will have sex with a condom but they won't kiss you? If not, is the person your lover?