More on Fighting Body Odor
Dear Athena,
Some additional thoughts came to mind, after my previous
Body Odor post.
Body Odor is caused by bacteria. Bacteria multiply in dark moist areas. I use Dial soap, which states that it is "Anti-bacterial.
If I don't have time for a bath, I will get a freshly washed T-shirt. Before putting on the T-shirt, I will use a hair drier to dry my crotch and under-arms. Whetehr I have taken a bath, or I am just changing my powder, I will get a wad of toilet paper, and dab my hair dry and clean while blow drying the areas.
After the areas are dry, I will apply the powder and put on my uinder wear.
Bacteria are not all washed off with anti-bacterial soap. I don't know if bacteria are left in the crevices of the skin, or in the sweat ducts. Either way, they start multiplying agai after a bath or new application of powder.
The powder may make it difficult for the bacteria to reproduce. The powder may soak up waste products from the bacteria. However the powder works, it helps.