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Wrenn Views: 1,165
Published: 21 y
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i don't have the pulser just the beck zapper so far.
do you have a suggestion on where youget your liquid oxygen? or can it just be bought anyhwere? just do a web search?
also here were a couple interestign recipes i was considerign trying also/ but thought i would substitute the kaolin for liquid or powdered bentonite..
geranium and clay rejuvenator recipe.
6 tbsp fresh greranium flowers OR 2 drops essential geranium oil
2 tbsp coarse ground rice 1 cup kaolin
break up flowers by hand (not sissors)mix well with teh kaolin/ add rice and mix well again
rubinot legs leave on for minimum 10 minutes.
(you can also add water to make a thinner paste) it will dry within minutes after applying..
suposed to combine draining properties of geraniums to improve the appearance of visual red capillarie sunder skin.

another recipe i saw was for cellulite areas/
one gingerroot (about 4 inch long)
2 tbsp kaolin
7-8 strawberries
cut ginger root in slicesand mix all ingredietn s in blender
wiz til pureed and apply to cellulite areas.
supposed to wake up sluggish cellulite areas with combo of natural enzymes and the detox of the kaolin also.(which i was going to substitute the liquid Bentonite for )
these seemed easy enough thign s to ttry and see if actually work.. and if i can keep from eating the strawberries !!! )
curious to knwo if yousee anythign wrong in these recipes
ot might think of soem thign to add?
and also i will try out your recommendations and what
do you mean hen you say systematic enzymes?
really aprreciat e the emu oil recommendation tha tyou gave me.. i tried alot of diff thign s thru the years to try to get that discoloration totally gone and i am amazed at how fast i ahve seen it bring a overall evne color to my whole face.. as a woman how peopel see us can be pretty stressful when todays society is so critical of a wamans appearance.. i knwo i am not pretty.. and i can live with that.. but to them have further flaws that pull folks attention away from wha tyou are sayingcan be pretty self esteem lowering *smile*
so i really cannot thank you enough fo rhaving helpe d solve that particular area od stress for me..
i might actaulkl start ventureign more into the outside world maybe next spring 8)


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