As I have said here before, I know personally a Brazilian lady named Lu Lanzon who possesses the "GIFT"of a medium. I work with her, I have learned much from her, I have both personally experienced and witnessed her powerful "GIFT". It is real, and while it is not easyfor most people to understand, it has even amazed a few sceptics who came to see her to prove that she was a fraud and had their lives changed.
Some here have suggested that healing powers fly in the face of religious belief. Lu will tell you (and also John of God) that their healing power is not their's, they simply were given a very special "GIFT" by God to permit them to channel His energy to sick people to remove their blocks to enable them to heal themselves. This is not often done in one session and requires other things such as effective natural medications and lifestyle changes.
This is where my "law of gravity" analogy comes from. You don't have to understand, believe or even acknowledge the power of such "GIFTED" people to receive the full benefit.