Welllll.....Things were going along smoothly, until today. I haven't really been exercising more than I normally do, and yet today the very site of food made me drool, LOL! I drank about 10 servings and I'm still starving. Now, I'm not very big, 5 foot 115lbs. So yeah, I guess I could stand to loose about 10 more pounds to look like I did in high school. But is it normal for the hunger to hit around the third day like this? Will it wear off,or should I just add a bit more syrup to satisfy the cravings?
On another note, I've been noticing that my face is getting boils! YIKES!!!!! I mean, I had a zit or two before, but never like these suckers, they're huge! Is this a normal side effect of this diet?
Thanks bunches ;8 )