Re: is it normal to feel worms moving around inside you?
to everyone out there and esp. success! oh my good ness, i am going through the feeling of worms underneath my skin - esp. throughout my left leg area, all below the knee. nothing really going on in the right leg...i wonder why. tonite i took de witts worm syrup - it made one worm loosen its grip on my leg and now i cant feel it. i have been having sleepless nervous nites, because of the knowlege of several worms "moving" under my skin.
to "success": am i clear, that a clark zapper, will kill all the tape worms, and therefore feel no pain? i hope i have read correctly. i have read plenty about dr. clark, and am aware of her various electrical tools...however, if that will allow for a successful and freaky deworming experience, i would greatly love to try the zapper.
please ANYBODY, share your knowlege with me!
again, i used deworming syrup by de witt today, and it "paryalzed" one worm from circling my leg.
please respond!