I too tried Clarkia and saw nothing. I'm just hoping that means I don't have any visable worms. I am now taking ParaGone which I really like. I still haven't seen worms but my BM's have changed a lot. They are really dark, lots of plaque and mucous and floating yellow specks which I think are Candida. I am using ParaGone mostly for Candida since it is good for this too. Plus I just started Threelac today. My personal opinion is I like ParaGone much better than Clarkia . I am also using CandiZyme to help digest the Candida. You can use this or ParaZyme which helps your body digest/assimilate what you are eliminating. RenewLife is the company that makes ParaGone, CandiZyme and ParaZyme. The link is below.