Re: What is the best machine for lyme?
Thanks VTool? Still confused about the machines you mentioned
I have looked at Dr Sutherlands web site but I am not sure what these machines are that you have mentioned.
I have been sick since 1987 first with the flue like weakness and just achy all over.
Then so sleepy that I could not function. There is a bad spacy feeling that goes with this.
Now I have more neuro problems from my spine and the hypercoagulation disorder. THey are finding that more people with illness related to pathogens have thick blood.
So I have so many symptoms that I didn't start out with. I am feeling so hopeless.
I have been to see a LLD that is one of the best. My western blot showed 10 bands on both the IGG and IGM.
I do read about the pathogens that are made in a lab and I don't know how to take be more prepared for the things that are going on.
CAn you please in very simple ways expalin about these devices of Dr Sutherland?
I do understand a little about radionics. Do you believe that is really works?
I just want your opinion. I have a hard time understanding all of these electronic things plus reading one place that this is the best and someplace different says something different.
Thanks very much for your reply.