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Lyme Disease was import from Stalin's Russia.
nordskoven Views: 2,220
Published: 20 y

Lyme Disease was import from Stalin's Russia.

Lyme Disease first surfaced in the USA during Stalin's era. Armand Hammer was the western financier to Communist Russia and made a fortune brokering products unique to Russia, like sable furs. Stalin was developing a crude germ warfare program and his scientists scoured the Russian tundra for every nasty bug they could find. This program got out of control and there was a massive die-off of Russia's valuable fur-bearing animals.

Armand Hammer brought these contaminated furs over to the United States to sell. Longshoremen offloading these furs in the east were the first people to come down with the strange new ailment, later called Lyme's Disease after the Lyme, Connnecticut area. The longshoremen, seeing the spreading sickness, soon refused to offload the cargo, and a government investigation was threatened. Before the United States could act, Armand Hammer took the cargo of contaminated furs out to sea and presumably dumped it at sea.

Armand Hammer's financial dealings with genocidal Communist Russia (which under Stalin, for example, starved millions of Ukranian farmers to death), were so dastardly that Hammer was about to be tried for treason in America. Senator Gore, Al Gore's dad, short-circuited this process. As a reward for Gore's efforts, Armand Hammer vested Gore in his oil company, Occidental Petroleum. (Parallel this with Clinton's pardoning of Marc Rich, who brokered Saddam Hussein's Oil for Food credits in bribing Europe and Russia--helping finance the Clinton Library.)

The petroleum link continues in our time, with then-president Clinton selling off American strategic petroleum reserves at Elk Hills (outside Bakersfield, CA) to VP Al Gore's Occidental Petroleum. Occidental, California, is the tiny town closest to the occult retreat for high rollers, Bohemian Grove, where human sacrifice is imitated. (There's a great Bohemian Grove video available on the net.) Hammer also financed a "New Age" college in Las Vegas, New Mexico, still quietly helping to bring about the New World Order--Big Brother with good public relations.

As you can see by this pattern, this present evil has deep roots. "We fight not against men but against powers and principalities." "Pray and work."--St. Benedict

May all have an appetite for truth, and may the forces of evil be swiftly and surely chained and eradicated by the Eternal that His people may enjoy the miracle of the healthy, joyful, peaceful, safe and abundant life He planned for us.


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