Explanation please
Well, the majority of my cleansing action seems to have ended around noon. But I just passed another brown/greenish stone about the size of a garbanzo bean. I couldn't resist- I fished it out and crushed it. Not at all what I expected! It was really soft and bright green on the inside. An unnatural color- like the inside of those gross white mints with the spearmint filling. What in the world could that have been? (Sorry if that's too graphic, but hey, this is a gallstone forum).
Also, I hope that it's okay to eat grains and fats right after flushing, because that's all that my body has wanted. Brown rice, millet, and oatmeal with cultured butter. That and miso soup. I feel just fine, so I guess that it's okay. Tomorrow I will get back to a good diet (namely one with lots of vegetables and more variety), but today I have only wanted warm and soothing foods.
Thanks again for all of the support, everyone! I consider this first flush to have been quite a success. I am starting with the coptis and chinese bitters tomorrow and will flush again in a few weeks. I will be very interested to observe any differences.