500+ stones, when do I start feeling better?
Hi everyone, sorry this is a little long,
Hope someone has some tidbit of sunlight to share. I've done 2 cleanses thus far and scheduled a 3rd this weekend but it won't work now till next week. I've cleansed 500+ stones. After the first cleanse and a stopped gallbladder attack I felt like a million bucks! I couldn't believe it, I felt better than I have since childhood.
After the second cleanse and 260 stones, I was wiped out. I felt sick and exhausted. It took me 3-5 days to come around to my usual tired self. I haven't begun feeling any better since.
I've been getting to bed 9:30 - 10:00 but it isn't helping either. I was looking so forward to feeling good like with the first cleanse. I'm kinda wondering about how the third will leave me feeling.
With both cleanses I became very cold feeling, so cold in fact that after the oil and grapefruit juice dose (Dr. Clark's cleanse) my husband had to pile 3 and 4 more blankets on me to stop me shivering.
I'm not worried about whether they are helping . . . I know they are. I haven't had any pain at all since the first.
Do anyone know if feeling this wiped is normal though?