Hi! I had this problem last year, but it has since led into trouble with diarrhea (I still have the bloating and gas). I have also noticed that smoking increases these symptoms. I'm not sure about the funny taste in your mouth. I sometimes get a weird, kind-of foul taste in my mouth, but I don't know whether it correlates with my GI symptoms. Honestly, the best way to rule out any major digestive issues is to get a colonoscopy. I have not had one done yet, but I plan to as soon as I get back home (I'm out of town at the moment). IBS is generally diagnosed if there is no other irregularity found in the intestinal tract, colon, etc. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much help for IBS sufferers. Supposedly it's mostly a mental thing. Are you prone to anxiety or depression? These factors can have a huge impact on digestion. I know that's the case with me, anyway. Well, best of luck to you! I wish I could be more helpful.