To Mo4!!!!
Hi M!!!
It's about time I got back to you, huh? Please forgive me that I have not answered all your posts. I have been in a frenzy for the last couple of weeks, and I barely had time to read much less post.
Thank you for including the recipee, I will now have to go back and hunt for it and make a hard copy as I didn't have the time to do that either. Keep ém coming, sis!
You certainly do not need to apologize for writing me on the christian support forum, after all, support is support, and if anything I think you and I can show the world that part of true honor to God means truly loving our fellow human beings, not bickering over who is *better*! Being nice and apreciating the fine qualities behind another person is not a sign of lack of commitment to one's beliefs, is it? ;-)
I'm so glad you are an important part of Curezone ♥♥♥
Love, Ali
P.S. Where's Imam?