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what you didn't hear right afterwards....
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what you didn't hear right afterwards....


LONDON (al-Quds al-Arabi) -- Scores of Muslim scholars and
intellectuals from different countries condemned the attacks
which targeted this past Tuesday New York and Washington.
Al-Quds al-Arabi publishes the full-text of their communique
which was issued Wednesday [12 Sept 01]:

In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful [1]

The Scholars and Leaders of Islamic Movements
on the Attacks which Targeted the U.S.

The undersigned, leaders of Islamic movements, are horrified
(ra`ahum) by the events of Tuesday 11 Sept 2001 in the United
States which resulted in massive killing (qatl), destruction
(tadmeer) and attack (i`tida) on innocent lives.

We express our deepest sympathies and sorrow. We condemn,
in the strongest terms, the incidents (hawadith; word shared
with Hebrew in 'hadasah') which are against all human and
Islamic norms. This is grounded in the Noble Laws of Islam
which forbid all forms of attacks on innocents. God Almighty
says in the Holy Qur'an: "No bearer of burdens can bear the
burden [wizr] of another" (Surah al-Isra 17:15). [2]

We also decry the targetting of the faith of Islam and its
followers before the investigation determines the culprits.
The condemnation (idanah) should be limited to them - who
ever did it - and not extended to others [meaning the Muslims
of the world].

With the obscurities (ghumuz, word shared with Hebrew)
surrounding this incident and the multitude of parties with
interest in such horrendous acts, the undersigned hope the
investigators and the media will exercice caution. Do not
hurry to pronounce a guilty party until you are sure of the
forces (quwa, word shared with Hebrew) behind this horrific
painful (aleem) act (haadith, word shared with Hebrew).

We wish to convey our sincerest condolences to the families
of the innocent victims and the American people.

24 Jumada al-Akhirah 1422 AH
12 Sept 2001 2001 AD


1. Mustafa Mash.hour,
General Guide, Muslim Brotherhood,

2. Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi,
President, Sunnah Research Center, University of Qatar

3. Qazi Hussain Ahmed,
Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan

4. Dr. Hasan Howeidi
Sous-Guide, Muslim Brotherhood of Syria,

5. Former Prosecutor Ma'moun al-Hodaibi
Sous-Guide, Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt

6. Muti Rahman Nizami,
Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh,

7. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin,
Founder, Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas),

8. Abdullah Ali Mutawi,
President, al-Islah Social Reform Organization,

9. Abdullah bin Hussain al-Ahmar,
President, Higher Council of the Yemeni Islah
Reform Movement, Yemen

10. Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi,
General Secretary, Islamic Movement of Lebanon,

11. Abdulmajeed Dhneibet,
General Observer, Muslim Brotherhood of Jordan,

12. Sadiq Abdelmajid,
General Observer, Muslim Brotherhood of Sudan,

13. Sadreddine Bayanuni,
General Observer, Muslim Brotherhood of Syria,

14. Dr. Ussamah Takriti,
President, Islamic Party of Iraq,

15. Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah al-Khatib,
Scholar, Al-Azhar University, Cairo

16. Prof. Khurshid Ahmed,
Vice President, Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan,

17. Yassin Abdel Aziz,
Vice President, Higher Council of the Yemeni Islah
Reform Movement, Yemen

18. Mahfoudh Nahnah,
President, Movement for a Peaceful Society,

19. Rashid Ghannoushi,
President, Nahda Renaissance Movement,

20. Fazil Nour,
President, PAS - Parti Islam SeMalaysia,

21. Fathi Yakun,
Islamic Intellectual, Lebanon

22. Ibrahim al-Misri,
Editor-in-Chief, al-Aman Weekly,

23. Abdurashid Turabi,
Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami Kashmir Azad, Pakistan

24. Muhammad Hidaya Nur Wahid,
President, Adalah Party, Indonesia

25. Abdelkarim Khatib,
President, Parti Marocain pour la Justice et le
Developpement, Morocco

26. Dr. Abdessalam Harras,
President, Social Action Party, Morocco

27. Dr. Hibr Nur Eddayim,
Sous-Observer, Muslim Brotherhood of Sudan,

28. Khalid Mishaal,
Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas",

29. Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantisi,
Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas",

30. Rashid Haj,
Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami Sri Lanka,
Sri Lanka

31. Dr. Ahmed Ali al-Imam,
President, Fiqh Council of Sudan,

32. Ahmed Risouni,
President, Mouvement pour l'unite et la reforme,

33. Ahmed Rawi,
President, Union of Islamic Organizations of Europe,
United Kingdom

34. Muhammad Abdelwahab Dayyumi,
General Secretary, Islah Reform Movement,

35. Sheikh Amin Bam,
General Secretary, Ulema Council of South Africa,
South Africa

36. Salem Saqqaf al-Jafri,
Director, Al-Khayrat School for Fiqh and Law
Research, Indonesia

37. Sheikh Raed Salah,
President, Islamic Movement of Palestine 48,

38. Idris Kittani,
President, Islamic Intellectual Club,

39. Abd Rab ar-Rasool Sayyaf,
Ameer, Ittihad-e-Islami Afghanistan,

40. Engineer Muhammad Shah,
Former Prime Minister,
Ittihad-e-Islami Afghanistan,

41. Alifeddine Turabi,
Publisher, Kashmir al-Muslimah Magazine,

42. Hilmi Amin,
Muslim Scholar, Indonesia

43. Abdelghaffar Aziz,
Director of External Affairs,
Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan,

44. Haj Tayyib Aziz,
President, Shura Council of the
Movement for a Peaceful Society,

45. Hajj Abdulhadi Awang,
Prime Minister, Terengganu State,

46. Mawlana Abu al-Kalam Yusuf,
Sous-Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh,






[1] The formula, "In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most
Merciful" which one finds at the top of every Quranic
Chapter, government documents in the Islamic world,
traditional religious and scientific books, and which is
uttered by every Muslim when starting any act (food, driving,
prayer, etc.) is 100 % Arabic, 100 % Hebrew. Those who abuse
Muslims by "Taking the Lord's Name in Vain" are abusing their
own faith (whether Jew or Christian; since we share the
Abrahamic faith, language and traditions). In Arabic, it
reads: "Bism Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim" and you can check our
claims by asking any Hebrew speaking friend you have. We are
sure, you have one or two.

Allah (as in "Elohim" or "Allahuma") is the proper name of
God in Arabic and Hebrew. The letters are "Alif Lam Ha"
(Eloh) and our keen joke about it at by
approximating it to the Hawain "Aloha" (Hello). We add to
their observation that "Allah" is found in the Spanish word
"Oxala" (borrowed from Arabic with the meaning of 'inshallah'
or 'God willing' - used in the same context in conversations
by Arabs and Westerners). We find it in the word 'Hallelujah'
(prounounced 'hallilu ya') with the meaning repeat the name
of Allah many times (Allah Allah many times produces the
anagram 'hallilu'). It is 100% Arabic, 100 % Hebrew, and 100
% English (thus the meaning of 'praise the Lord' is
elucidated). We add also that good anecdotes about
'Hallelujah' can be found in Kitab al-Asman (The Book of
Idols) of Ibn al-Kabli, a 9th Century Baghdad historian (and
'Kalbi' is 'Doggy' and the Biblical 'Caleb'). We wrap this
description of the proper name, in Arabic, for "God" by
mentioning that the Islamic religious maxim "Allahuma la aish
illa aish al-akhirah" is which 100 % Arabic, is 100 % Hebrew
as well. It translates as "O Lord, true living is only in the
hearafter" [by Your right side our Christian brothers would
add]. Our Jewish brothers would explain to our English
brothers that "aish" is the word in their language, which
they share with theid desert keen - meaning the Arabs, with
the meaning of "age". Our Sanskrit brothers would tell them,
this is our world, and the Semites would tell, this is ours
too [and "Eve" came down from Garden of Eden in Heaven to
India, according to ancient Islamic religious texts; and the
Garden of Eden is in the South-East of modern Turkey/
North-East of modern Syria according to Christian records].
Ancient Arab travellers used to report the record of a mosque
(technically the word means a 'Bayt' or 'temple' in the
ancient usage of Ibn Khaldun [14th century] or al-Bakri
al-Andalusi [11th century]) called the "Temple of Adam" in
Sri Lanka. However, there is no reliance on this [and
al-Bakri says there were seven Adams, according to the views
of the people of India!].

The meaning of "Eloh" and its different usages can be found
in BIBLOS [3], pp. 41-46. BIBLOS says it is "uncertain
whether 'El' and 'Elohim' are of the same root [as 'Eloh'].
However Ibn Manzur al-Ifriqi al-Misri, author of the
classical 8 centuries old "Encyclopedia Arabica" called
"Lisan al-Arab" (the Tongue of the Arabs) says they are. See
URL: . "El", "Eloh" and "Elohim"
are shared by Arabs and Hebrews. These are living words in
the language of the Arabs. The meaning of "Rahman" elucidated
on p. 933 of BIBLOS.

We push the envelop further by mentioning that the word "God"
is shared by the Indo-Europeans from Pakistan all the way to
Englistan through Persia (or Iran) and Deutschstan. They say
'Khuda' and the Englishmen say 'God' (and the Persians and
Englishmen say 'daughter' for the Hebrew "Baat"/Arabic
"Bint"). We add that "Khud" (or "God") is found in the
language of the Arabs in ancient texts, obviously borrowed
from Persian, but also with a surviving word for 'cheek'
(Khad) or beautiful face (See Lisan al-Arab of Ibn Manzur
al-Ifriqi al-Misri, or Imam Suyuti's "Sipping the Nectar of
Pure Beauty" [15th century]).

We wrap this with an anecdote about Arabs and their
education. Every school child in some North African
countries learns a song which is sang in dual language to
associate French words with Arabic concepts. As such, we find
in a song called "ya hadhreen, ya kiram..." the words "Allah
Dieu, wa Rasool le prophete". Please do express your anger
and fury (How else can you feel?). But do not rob us of our
humanity and things we share for the horrendous crimes of
individuals. Hajj Ghazi (from CAIR) who appeared on Sunday
afternoon on a program for American children by Peter
Jennings confirms more meanings in Italian and Spanish.
America's children celebrated the diversity of the world, and
the much needed sense of justice and tolerance to avert the
"suicidal" drive of the world. The writer of these words
cried hearing (and heeding) their words. You can learn a lot
from a child.

[2] The verse "No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of
another", with many translations is available at

[3] BIBLOS refers to the excellent and unique "A Hebrew and
English Lexicon of the Old Testament based on the Lexicon of
William Gesenius as translated by Edward Robinson, edited
with constant reference to the Thesaurus of Gesenius, as
completed by E. Rodiger, and with authorized use of the
latest German editions of Gesenius's Handworterbuch uber das
Alte Testament," by Francis Brown, S.R. Driver, and Charles
Briggs, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1907.

Ra`ahum: "They were horrified by evil." From Ra`a [ra,
alif, ain]: to horrify, to terrorize. The word is Biblical
shared by Arabic and Ancient Hebrew [we do not know if it
is used in modern Hebrew]. See p. 947 of BIBLOS. Related
words: Tarwee` (terror). We claim that this word, which is not sure if it is of Greek or Sanskrit
origin is a very Semitic word. Under "Ra`a", pp. 947-950,
BIBLOS gives the meaning of "badness, evil" (however, they
do not give the Arabic form we just elucidated). Other
forms of the word "terror" are shared by Arabic and Hebrew
(and the ancient forms from which English is derived).
Thus we find the words Irhab and Tarheeb, from the verb
"Rahaba" (p. 923 of BIBLOS), with the meaning of "horror".
On the same page, we find the Hebrew word "Rahaj" (shared
with Arabic) with the meaning of "rage" (it reads closest
to Arabic in the language of Moliere). The anagram "haraj"
means, in the language of the Arabs, "indiscriminate
death". "Ru`b" (read "Rob") means extreme "terror" in
Arabic, "famine" and "hunger" in Hebrew; see p. 944 of
BIBLOS. Thunder in Arabic is "ra`d", and it has the
meaning of "tremble", "quake" in Hebrew. We are that the
repeated form "ra`ra`" moved to the form "za`za`" from
the ancient common semitic root, with the meaning of
"shake" (p. 265 of BIBLOS). In fact, we think "ra`ra`"
moved to the form "roar" which means "prolonged sound,
especially in distress, rage" ( We are not
lying in claiming that these are all rooted in the same
word and the sound of destruction and mayhem (and Arabic
is Semitic and English is Indo-European).

Qatl: Killing. Word shared with [Biblical] Hebrew; and we
think it is shared with English as well in the form of
'kill' [the 't' disappeared from ancient forms] and
'guilt' [anagram for 'gatl' another form of 'qatl'].
Permutation of letters is means by which words evolved
from their ancient forms, such as 'Hanash' Arabic for
'Serpent', and its Equivalent Hebrew 'Nahash', both of
which are living words among the Semites. The word appears
in the Western scripts in the form of the letter 'N'. The
Hebrew 'Nahash' is a living word among the Arabs in the
form of "Nahas" (curse), as in the curse of 'qatl'. See p.
58 of "The Early Alphabet" by John F. Healey, University
of California Press, 1990 (the same page includes the
anecdote about the capital form the letter 'R' which
stands for 'human head' - Ra's in Arabic; Rosh [as in Rosh
ha-shanah] in Hebrew; thus the Semites conserved the name,
and the non-Semite conserved the form and all are rooted
in Akkadia in what is today Iraq). For 'Nahash' the claims
of "The Early Alphabet" have been confirmed in BIBLOS.

Tadmeer: Utter Destruction; From "Dammara" (v.) Damar
(n.): to annihilate. The word is a Quranic term (shared
with Hebrew).

Wizr: One of many words in the language of the Arabs for
'sin'. The meaning is "sin as a heavy load, burden,
encumbrance". Related words: Wazir (Vizier; because he
shares in the burdens of power - both positive and
negative); izar (the 'Eastern' dress worn by the man of
ancient consisting of a wrapping around the waist; worn
by Jesus and the people of yore). From the root verb:
Aazara: to help; to share the burden, related to Azir
(al-Azir, Eliezer, Lazarus). The word is semitic, shared
by Arabs and their keen. The Arabic 'zawra' - which is an
anagram of 'wizr' is a Babirye 'klim' used as a bed cover,
and these are living words in North Africa. To wrap this
meaning we mention that the word 'wazir' is in general
positive, though 'wizr' is a negative one. Aaron's was
Moses's "Vizier" according to the Muslim Holy text, the
Qur'an. This meaning is found in the root word for
'wizard' in English (it is 'wise', only people of wisdom
can carry heavy burdens and exercice leadership). We see
an ancient common root for 'wizr', 'wizard', 'wise', and
'wiser' though Arabic is Semitic and English is
Indo-European! We share your world, and we need justice,
not a new "civilizational war."

The English 'sin' is shared by Semitic and Indo-European
languages, though says otherswise. It
appears in the Arabic language under the word 'shin' (read
'sheen') with the meaning of 'iniquity'. Beyond 'wizr',
we find many words for 'sin' in the language of the Arabs:
zhanb (offence, crime, misdeed); fahisha (shared with
Persian, Turkish, etc). zhalal (straying, to be lost;
shared with Hebrew); zhulm ((unjust, iniquity, unfairness;
shared with Hebrew); ithm (crime, misdeed, offense); fujur
(immorality, depravity; related to the obvious English
word substituting a 'k' for the 'j'); khati'a (the true
exact translate of 'sin'; shared by Arabs and Hebrews);
sharr (evil, "sharon" is a superlative form), fisq
(viciousness, moral depravity; shared with [Biblical]
Hebrew, and lexically the root word for 'passakh' or
pass-over [!]). There is a full page which describes more
meanings at Be warned.
It is a proselytizing [Christian] page, and we benefited
from the lexical meanings though we do not subscribe to
its ultimate goals [!]. We mention a word not found there:
zallah (slip), which means 'sin' (and 'prostitute') as
well. Please also note that our primary interest in all of
this is our shared humanity and language. We do not care
about personal beliefs of people. Our prayers are with
those who lost their loved ones last Tuesday, whatever
faith they confess.


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