Trials of Da'wah
Dawah is very hard. For me accepting Islam very very logical. Christianity was very confusing and the practices of the church was hypocritical. But yet people still choose to believe that mummbo jummbo.
What are your ways of giving dawah? It is not enought just to give da'wah by our actions and being a proper Muslim. Is it our duty to sread islam.
I have been in contact with some people over the internet trying to give da'wah but interestingly enough they try to get me to 'accept Christ as my personal savior' ehehhehe.
It is actually enough to get me thinking about giving up on them. I need more patience I think.
Each try I do learn about people and what kinds of approaches work and what definately doesnt work. This is the reason I do not entre into debates anymore.
Have you evr read the book by Dale Carnegie, How to win Friends and influence People? I think It offers good insights on how to give dawah. This book is not about how to manipulate people or brainwash people. (like I first thought when I saw it...eheheh) But more how to treat people in a way that they would like. I think one of the most important points thathe makes is that all people want to feel important and that they want to feel that their ideas are important too.
My husband read a book (unfortunately in arabic) that is based on this book. It shows how almost all the concepts in Dale Carnegies book is taught in Islam.
Of course we can never stop learning from Muhammad, Peace be upon him.
Your Sister,