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It's difficult to resolve the difference between physical causes and effects, and any inborn capabilities we may have.
Kinesiology seems to bridge the gap, but does it?
Moving and applying energy is real, but we've lived so long with the idea that we need a herb, or a pill to effect change for the better...or to drop a habit.
Which is it? Or, maybe it's a balance.
The one real stickler that bothers me is the concentration on ailments of one kind and another. Because some say that we get what we focus on. If we focus on an ailment or a lack, even just to heal or change it, don't we get more of the same, more of what we don't want?
There's no way, to my mind, that we can balance every tiny chemical need of our own bodies, no matter how many 'scientists' we put on the job. It's just too infinitely fine.
That leaves us with energy, and far as I can see.
So, instead of looking for the right 'formula' to heal an ailment, wouldn't it be better to seek the energy that promotes and preserves health?
In other words, let go of concentration on particular goals and objectives, and explore areas we haven't yet tried.
The unknown is scary, I know, but maybe the answer is there.