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Did anyone of you read " The Maker's Diet"?
speechlessly50 Views: 3,359
Published: 20 y

Did anyone of you read " The Maker's Diet"?

I had Herpes 2 in mouth and genital, so a lot of food can't be ate, as to avoid trigger of Herpes outbreak. A friend recommended me to read " The Maker's Diet ", and that is a based for me to choose the food that is healthy as well as not too acidic; and having more lysine. Consequently, my Herpes outbreak is less.

The author was recovered by Crohn's disease thru' correction in diet, faith and change of attitude. So I was thinking maybe that book can help Crohn's sufferer. The author is Jordan S. Rubin, N.M.D., and PhD. Publisher is Siloam ---A Strang Company in Florida. In Northern California, a lot of public libraries has them, and you can renew up to 3 times to finish reading. I hope this helps, and daily I pray to the Lord to heal all of us illed in Let me know if there is any insight you got after months of reading.

More introduction to the book is the author's father is also a N.D., the author got Crohn disease when he was 19 and over 70 doctors can't healed him for years. One N.D. recommended him to follow the diet of Leviticus 14 in the Bible, so he tried, and with a change of attitude and faith, he was healed. As I am a Chinese, and was so confused with whether to follow the American Diet, Chinese Diet, Blood Type Diet , or whatever for the incurable and unspeakable illness of Herpes, " The Maker's Diet " provide guidance for me to choose what Diet is right for me. Suprising, some less healthy foods, and should not eat food were passed along among the health conscious Chinese. e.g. don't eat fish without fins and scale. My late grandfather was a self-taught, not so skillful Chinese Herbalist, so as a kid I heard what he told his patient is now seen in the Bible, too. The forbidden Chinese food list must be heard from the converted Chinese Christians and pass along, as Chinese Herbalist is not based on teaching of the Bible and how will there be such a coincidence. Dr. Charles Stanley wrote the Foreword and I agree with Dr. Charles Stanley that this is written with God's inspiration for us to get back the health.

For those who do not like anything that is Christian, pls just tolerate and read on, to see what strange ideas they have. Please just see what is applicable that you can use for your own benefit. Take Care, and I strongly wish you all to be well. So just drop off in library or Christian book center to read the book first, and you don't have to buy the book.


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