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Rubber Logic
Blue Stone Views: 3,964
Published: 21 y
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Rubber Logic

"Take a look at the health risks"

Deciding to take precautions seems to be an important consideration which goes way beyond any dogmatic morality. This cuts to the root of the problem beyond belief system programming. Being "immoral" is in the eye of the conditioned observer.

For instance, some would say going to war is immoral while others would say that it is necessary.

Some would say slaying a cow is immoral while others will pray before feasting on the beast's flesh.

Beyond the conditioned ideologies though, is logic and therein lies the solution, which is independent of the differences in belief systems.

Perhaps a condom is needed in this situation instead of conversion to a brand of morality (religion)?


Deciding to take precautions seems to be an important consideration which goes way beyond any dogmatic morality. CUts to the root of the problem beyond belief system programming. Being "immoral" is in the eye of the conditioned observer.

For instance, some would say going to war is immoral well others would say that it is necessary.

Some would say slaying a cow is immoral well others will pray before feasting on its flesh.

Beyond the conditioned ideologies though, is logic and therein lies the solution, which is independent of the differences in belief systems.


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