Candida and IC....please help me convince my mother!!!!!!
I've been trying for a couple of years now to convince my mother that her major IC issues had something to do with Candida.
I have systemic Candida roaming freely in my body. I have done a major P/B and diet cleanse about 2 years ago that dramatically changed my quality of life. Though I still suffer from many seriously annoying issues of Candida the debilitating pain which I surely thought was going to put me in a wheel chair(at the ripe old age of 26) has practically ceased except when I must partake in a bit of wine. The other major issues are because I am not doing my best to keep myself on a regimented diet.(or do any real cleansing...bad me)
Back to my mom....
She has had major issues with IC for about 5 plus years now. She eats crap food like pizza and hamburgers and candy cakes etc. She is unwilling to really hear me when I try and explain to her that I think it could be related to Candid and maybe she should try out the idea of doing a diet and a cleanse. She was intrigued by my personal success but not enough to buckle down to anything. Yet she complains about her condition all the time. She's been addicted to her narcotics which the doctors just keep supplying. She's been thin and fat and thin and fat. Right now she's so puffy she looks like she has had a reaction to cortizone or something. She's 48 and acts like she's going on 70 and the world is ending. This is partly her own "dramatic" personality issues but she seems to have found a huge outlet for the "victim" in her to be released with this condition.
She has been a marathon runner and spends a lot of time reminicing for the "good old days" which were only about 8 years ago. She used to work out at the gym every day and eat a really healthy diet. Then she became engaged to a man who lived for
Sugar treats and burgers and pizza.(though he's a doctor with diabetes) We never ate like this growing up I'm convinced this is what put her over. That and she has had years of abuse to her bladder through alcoholism. She told me she tried a diet but it "just didn't work!!". Then she explained that she was on it for about 1 month!!! I've never known where to look up info for her condition and hoped that I could find it on Curezone. After decifering the forums I finally found people who are suggesting that IC and Candida are linked. This is a huge relief to me.
Can anyone maybe help me get good info on this connection so that I can take it to her and help her see that a real change is needed. I'm about to go stay with my mother for the holiday season and am not sure I can handle watching her fill herself with candy and pastries. I'll be cooking for my own diet and hope it will influence her diet change as well.
Thank you,