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Re: flush#3, ?on variations-reply experienced only please
raymond Views: 1,084
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 522,262

Re: flush#3, ?on variations-reply experienced only please

The directions you state above are verbatim to the first flush I did. I followed it to a T. Flushed approx. 50 or so green pea sized stones.

My second flush I substituted magnesium citrate for the Epsom Salts . I used 600 mg of powder in each drink. I have not tried the tablets. I followed the rest of the cleanse instructions as written. Flush was aborted due to massive hypoglycemia, which I believe was brought on by skipping dinner and the sweet/tart taste of the magnesium citrate. No stones passed. Note: my wife has used this method every time and it works great for her so she plans to stick with it.

My third flush I skipped the above instructions entirely and used the flush Julia Chang describes on I ate low to no fat meals, including dinner, and only drank the 10pm OO/GF drink. I took no ornithine, but took Julia's Coptis and Curcuma instead. That stuff makes me sleep like a baby and helps to prevent a stone from getting stuck. I then drank one liter of filtered water the next morning with two teaspoons of Sea Salt mixed in. That was the easiest flush I have done to date and had my most success - hundreds of pea sized stones and over ten thumb sized stones. After trying several methods, I know this one works best for me.

I have also used Dr. Schulze 's flush. This works great also but it is a lot more work over a longer period of time. It also involves more cleansing the liver than just flushing.




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