Re: Thanks! I just spoke to Julia! r/o
Yes, I forgot to mention that - Julia told me as well to drink a warm cup of water first thing in the morning. It does help.
Stuck on a desert island, huh! Think glass half FULL!! :) Although if stuck, you would probably be eating more natural foods which might help. No, I honestly don't think after only taking these products for 3-4 months that I have cured my constipation problem. Julia said I have sluggish bile which is contributing to my constipation. The Coptis is helping that, along with the CleansMore. But when I miss a day (which is VERY rare) I notice I go without a bm. So I try to never miss a day.
I remember reading a newsletter from
Dr. Schulze which said that it took your whole lifetime to get in this situation and to be patient, that it would not be reversed overnight. He said it took him close to ten years, if I remember correctly, to retrain his bowel. So here I am being patient.
The Coptis lasts for months, so it is worth the cost. I usually purchase the CleanseMore in a larger quantity so that can last up to 2.5-3 months as well.
I am hoping that at the end of this year after continued
Liver Flushes and bowel cleanses, that perhaps my organs will get much more healthy and work they way they were intended to!