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2nd Flush Not So Good - Advice From Experienced Flushers Needed/Appreciated!
raymond Views: 1,895
Published: 21 y

2nd Flush Not So Good - Advice From Experienced Flushers Needed/Appreciated!

My wife and I did our 2nd Liver Flush together last night. I am happy to report that her flush was wildly successful producing over 200 green stones - some as large as a quarter. I only wish I experienced similar results.

I had a no fat breakfast/lunch yesterday. I did not eat after 2 pm. Please note I am severely hypoglycemic. I know better than to skip ANY meals and that is the hardest part about this flush for me. I was doing okay by the 6pm ES drink, but by the time the 8pm drink rolled around, I was feeling the major effects of low blood Sugar - dizzy, weak, extreme hunger, shaky and major headache coming on. I was able to dodge this the first time around and was hoping the same would happen with the second flush. The 8pm drink seemed to quiet these symptoms a bit so I thought I would be okay.

I was feeling better, but still headachy by the 10pm OO (Olive-Oil) drink. I also took Orthanine to help me sleep - although I usually fall asleep immediately without any aids. I laid down after the OO (Olive-Oil) drink......and could NOT sleep for anything. I was really headachy and nauseaous throughout the night, but I knew from experience this was more from the low blood Sugar than the OO (Olive-Oil) drink. I went downstairs at 4am to get an ice pack for my head and also went to the bathroom. That produced nothing but yellow liquid. I got up at 7am and made my 3rd ES drink. By 8:30 am I began to violently dry heave (which I do when my blood Sugar is low) then began to throw up the 3rd ES drink as well as some of the OO. I could not believe I still had any OO left in my stomach after all that time. As my blood sugar was so low at this point and I had already threw up the morning drink, I decided to call it a day and immediately got something into my system to control my blood sugar. I am now left with this splitting migraine and the after effects of the low blood sugar due to skipping dinner last night. I have always HATED this because sometimes you do skip a meal or are late for a meal for reasons out of your control which have always nailed me in the past and now it has totally inteferred with my liver flush. I know some of you will read this and say, why did you continue? But I know I need to flush and had invested so much into preparing for it, drinking everything, etc. and I didn't want to throw in the towel in the chance the situation might reverse itself.

I did produce some stones last night between the 6 and 8pm ES drink - perhaps about 20 small green stones. However, this morning, before I threw up everything, and now this afaternoon, has produced no more than 5 additional stones. I feel so defeated.

I have not read about any other flushers who have low blood sugar or who have strong reactions to skipping any meals. This has always been a no no for me as my body always makes me pay for it.

While I am so thrilled for my wife, who has had two successful flushes now, she has no major health problems to speak of, but is very excited with her flush results. I am the one with right side pain and NEED to continue with these flushes.

Any words of wisdom, any tweaking I can do to the program, etc. would be greatly appreciated as I need to flush, but need to find a way to not trigger the low blood sugar episode and subsequent migraines and vomiting that result from skipping a meal.

Even though I did not finish the ES drinks today, I have done an enema which also produced no additional stones. I will also take two Colosan drinks before bedtime to further flush out my system of any straggler stones, bile, toxins, etc. I will then go back to my 3 a day P&B shakes beginning tomorrow.

I really appreciate any help, advice or suggestions.




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