I did my 2nd flush this weekend using Dr. Clark's protocol and had rectal bleeding after the 3rd dose of Epsom Salts . Am I having an allergic reaction or what. Both times I have flushed I have had severe diarrhea after the 2nd dose which continues until after I have been in bed about an hour and then again the next day until about 2:00 in the afternoon. I also have rectal burning from so much diarrhea. The first flush I got out about 100 stones. This time I feel like it wasn't successful because I only got out about 30-40 stones. I also added honey to the last does of Epsom Salts because I just couldn't stand the bitter taste anymore. After this it seemed to stop everything. Did I mess the flush up by doing this? Should I not use Epsom Salts again or do others have this reaction?