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Made it through 1st Flush Last Night A-OK!
raymond Views: 958
Published: 21 y

Made it through 1st Flush Last Night A-OK!

Pre flush - When I went to the bathroom yesterday morning, I noticed there were at least 30-40 lima bean looking green formations in my formed bm. I didn't have anything green to eat the day before - I wonder if these were actual stones that came out early due to my taking the Chinese bitters, Coptis and GCG??

Beginning the flush - I had no problems with the first ES, but I must admit the taste was VERY strong. By the time I took the OO, I was relieved not to have to taste so much salt! I was more worried about not being able to eat dinner as I usually get severe headaches when I skip a meal. I was definitely feeling the effects of skipping all food since 2 pm and a headache was setting in by the time I went to sleep, but luckily it didn't linger around this morning. I slept okay through the night, but did wake up several times with extreme nausea. I made some ginger tea and kept it by my bedside so I could take a sip when needed to relieve some of that nausea. I woke up at 6:30 a.m. and took my 3rd ES. By now, that salt was really grossing me out. I had major difficulty downing the 4th ES due to the taste and almost didn't take it at all. However, I had come so far so I forced it down.

Prior to the flush, I was so worried about constipation, but I was able to have a bm after the 2nd ES last night and several times this morning. I did not see any more lima bean looking stones, but did see approximately 200 floating green stones in all (fewer were tan). They were really broken up in pieces and I believe this had to do with the GCG.

While my stomach is still gurgling and I know I will have more to flush out today, I feel great and am glad I survived my first flush! I do think, however, that I will try something other than the ES the next time around. It just didn't agree with me and I don't want to not do this again just because of the ES. If anyone has any recommendations on what else to take, that would be great.

I plan on taking the P&B shakes later today as well as an enema to flush out any remaining stones.

I appreciate the support on this forum. I have learned so much and send my thanks to everyone for their advice.

Thanks again!



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