41 Flushes and still counting.
Greetings Flushers:
For some of us its a very long way to a clean liver. Unfortunately I have several decades of damage to make up for.
Only about a tablesp. of stuff for # 39, and about a third of a cup for # 40. I knew there was more, I could feel it.
# 41 was an amazing surprise: a rounded one half cup of stuff.
Nowadays the stones are only lentil size clumped together to make big ones as in 2 centimeters. Where does it all come form? To think that I am still carrying all those toxins around a year later. I can feel that there is more.
I spent about 2 hours daily with the Magnetic Pulser on the liver site and other parts, I think that has helped a lot.
If you are about to run out of flushing steam hang in there. I am not suggesting that your flushing road is as long as mine, just a reminder to be determined.
I am going to get to the end of this dirty road yet I just know it, I just don't know when. :-)
Happy Flushing, Giz.