Re: nausea and second flush
Hi, Garcia,
I'm no substitute for Hopinso, but in case this helps too, well...
First, it's a great idea to be hydrated enough the morning of the flush day. The
Epsom Salts dries me out a lot, and by the Clark method I won't be able to drink until about 9 the following morning. So on flush day I really try to start at 4 or 5 in the morning and drink a gallon of liquids during the next 8 hours. One
quart is miso broth, one
quart unfiltered apple juice, and so on. Dehydration will make me pretty nauseous, so it's important to stay comfortable. But after about 12 noon I stop drinking (or eating) anything.
For me fasting on that day helps a lot for two reasons. One is I get very queasy after drinking the oil. (Once, once, I made the mistake of drinking a glass of water around midnight. It made things more uncomfortable.) Two, apologies for being too graphic here, but when one's system is fairly cleaned out, that makes it a lot easier to sift out the stones later.
BUT, everyone is different, and fasting is very easy for me (large-boned; verrrry slow metabolism), and you mentioned Candida and other issues, so it's best to follow your own intuition here or the advice of people who know a lot, like hopinso for instance!
Take good care,