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Right Side Pain
raymond Views: 1,318
Published: 22 y

Right Side Pain

I am experiencing intermittent pain in my right side, just below the bottom of my rib cage. Ultrasound showed no signs of gall stones. I am currently taking the Liver Cleanse from Renew Life and wonder if I should also do a Liver Flush in case there are stones (that could not be picked up on ultrasound)in this area that are causing this pain. My blood work was normal, with the exception of my bilirubin, which was 2.0.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of pain? It is sharp but it does not exist all day. It just comes and goes every day. If a flush is recommended, does anyone recommend Dr. Schulze 's vs. Dr. Clark's - or any others? I am just trying to get to the source of this problem and as medically they could not find anything, I want to be proactive before the situation gets worse.

Thank you!


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