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Uncontrollable flatulence
tony13 Views: 16,841
Published: 19 y

Uncontrollable flatulence

Hello, I have digestive problems. I feel bloated all the time, no matter what I eat and have uncontrollable flatulence – foul smelling. I cannot smell it, but I know it happened when people at the office starts coughing. This happens frequently, all day long. I also have bad odor, probably fecal, despite I bathe twice a day. This disease has destroyed my life, I’ve lost my friends, and everybody avoids me; living this way is so depressing, painful and hopeless. Everything started a year ago, amidst a stressful time – Work and Graduate School – and bad diet – burgers, pizza, coffee, coke --. I was tested negative for GERD – upper-endoscopy --, then got some gallstones and recommended to get my gallbladder removed, which in despair I agreed. I then was said IBS could be the cause, and then, disappointed turned to naturopathy. I’m getting stuff to get my GI linen repopulated, but after a month, I haven’t improved. For gas, I’ve tried without success: Chloropyll pills, Bismuth subgallate (Devrom), simethycone – GasX, Mylanta, -- Charcoal caps; Digestive Advantage Pills; nothing works. I also use special pads and underwear ( Flat-D and Under-Tec) but I still smell. I don’t have constipation problems, not real pain, no blood or mucus in stool. I tried the saliva-yeast test on a glass of water and it seems I might have candida, so I don’t know what else I can do to stop the gas. I really need your help or advice. Thanks in advance.


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