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Re: Flatulence in Adults
Shelleycat Views: 2,234
Published: 21 y
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Re: Flatulence in Adults

Hiya NDR and welcome to curezone!

Many vegetables are gas producing, and mixing beans with Sugar is gas producing. I can't eat broccoli at all! I never made the connection - vegies seem so blameless, after all - until I studied Ayurvedic Science and learned that I'm a VATA and am prone to gas, so I have to avoid gassy things. Broccoli was at top of the list. I think Cabbage and brussel sprouts are on the same list but I don't eat them much so didn't worry. :)

It also happens due to poor digestion in general and poor food combining, such as mixing fruit with anything. Melons digest very very quickly, so they'll drag other things with them even before they're digested, so they go to your colon still intact, and the bacteria must break them down. As the bacteria goes to work, they produce gas.

I highly recommend that people with chronic intermittent flatulance learn more about their Ayurvedic Dosha (body type, which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and food combining. Let me know if you'd like to learn more, I can direct you to a site for the Dosha test and I have notes on increasing the power of digestion.

Hope that helps! :)


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