Last year I had two miscarriages, one of which was a twin, at first my doctor said that it was a chromosone problem, so my fiance and I got tested, only to discover we are both very compatible. Then this year I got pregnant again, in August another twin which I miscarried again at 12 weeks. My doctor said I had a 'bicornuate uterus' and sent me to a specialist, who examined me completely and said that he could find NOTHING that would suggest I had that type of uterus. But what he did find was that there was a 'whiteish' area where the baby is suppose to be housed and develope that just doesn't look right to him and this could what is depleting the baby from getting proper nourishment. He suggested that I have the 'dye test' done becuz he has suspected that I have endometriosis. Now my mother had it and I understand that it is hereditary and she had a hystorectomy around my age {38}. I already have an 11 year old and I had NO problems with her birth, but I also understand that endometriosis usually attacks women when they are aged 30 and older. I would really love to have another baby, or two, but I fear that I have waited too long to become pregnant again. Is there anything that I can do that might be able to hlep me with my problem? I am so desperate right now and feeling even more depressed than when I miscarried my babies :(