please help am in so much pain
I am wondring if any of you good people can help me. For all my adult life I had what I was told was irritable bowel. The after my son was born over 2 years ago I started to experience a lot of pelvic pain, the lower bowel pain on my right hand side became much worse. The pain was like burning. When I went back to my docter the just put it down to irritable bowel, because I was still experiencing diarrhoea and undigested food so on. The fact that I had an emergency c section followed by an infection and the pain was rediating from the same place as the infection didn't seem to bother them. Finally after me going back and forth to the doctors the decided to do a laparoscopy and the fould the following. 5cm cyst on right ovary, endometriosis in the pouch of duglous and adhesions on the right hand side of my bowel, which he discribed as flimsy. The surgen said that he didn't think that any of these things could be causing the pain as the endo patch was small and the adhesions where flimsy and the cyst was now gone. I continued to be in alot of pain, how ever my doctor seemed relluctant to do anything as she said this could make the adhesions worse and she suggested that I go on the pill. I am reluctant to do this as I have manage to avoid using this in my life this far. I also have what I have been told is pre cancerous cell and they want to cut away some of my curvics which they tell me will not cause adhesions, but I am feeling very un trusting of the medical proffession right now. I have tried natural progestrone cream, which I took for 2 months and it made my symtoms much worse. I have just had this terible period where I felt like I had labour pains, even though the period as stopped this pain is still there and then I spent most of last night on the toilet, diarrhoea and being sick. I want to the out patients this morning and they sent me away with pain killers and told me if the pain gets worse phone for an anmbulance. I am on so many different herb medications at the moment. I don't know if things have also gone worse because I am taking an homopathic drug phrophrus, which caused things to worsen the last time I used it though my homopath said to try again because he thought it may work with alower dose. I am so sorry this is such a rant and I have gone on for so long but I am just reaching out inthe hope that someone out there understands. I just feel that I am losing hope of having alife with out pain. Please please if any of you good people out there know of any way of making this go away please let me know. Thanks best thoughts Moonie