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Is clotting dangerous?
Melbell Views: 1,506
Published: 21 y

Is clotting dangerous?

Hi there,

I was just wondering if someone could tell me something about passing clots during my period. I have always had them. But small, around the size of a pea. In the last year or so they have changed dramatically and I wondered if anyone knows if it's dangerous. I am now passing ones a little smaller than the size of my hand. They aren't always the same color. Some of them are bright red and others are a reddish brown. (Sorry if I grossed anyone out.)

My periods have also gone from 4-5 days to 7-8 days. I now spend at least a half of one of those days changing a super plus absorbency tampon every hour to two hours. I won't even leave my house during this time because of this.

The rest of the symptoms I have I can deal with. They don't scare me the way that this does. I don't have insurance just yet and I'm trying to avoid going to the doctor's office unless it's serious. Are these clots serious or is it safe to wait another couple of months?



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