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Re: Has anyone had polyps healed with acupuncture and herbs?
Hannah33 Views: 11,289
Published: 19 y
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Re: Has anyone had polyps healed with acupuncture and herbs?

Sorry to take some time to write. My period last for about 2 days.I have a little pain on the first day. I used to have periods that last for about 4 days but it has reduced. Another thing, I have avoided eating meat and cheese for about 6 months. I still eat fish and occasionally eggs.Wondering if cutting out meat affected my period. Anyway, I met my acu on Monday and he said I have Kidney Yang deficiency, Speen Qi deficiency,Liver Qi, Blood Deficiency.I have the book 'The Infertility
Cure' by Randine Lewis. It is very good.My acu said my pulse for Liver Qi has improved so I guess my Liver Cleansing has helped.My husband's count has increased 4 times after taking supplements, herbs and acupuncture since 6 months ago.I am also taking a lot of supplements. I am just wondering if raw herbs is given, is Dang Qui added in it? My acu does not give raw herbs because he thinks people will not be consistent if they take that so I will wait until the 6 month mark and have to decide what to do.Do you think it is better to look for a practitioner who gives raw herbs.BTW, how long have you been an acupuncturist and herbs? just wondering.Is there any other advice that you can give so that I can conceive? I am doing exercise, yoga,skipping rope(occasionally).Trying to be consistent in all of these.Eating more fruits and vegetables etc


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