Re: Acupressure and Acupuncture
In Chinese acupuncture and acupressure, yes, they use the same points. The acupuncture needles can stimulate deeper into the tissue; they stay in for longer (most acupuncture puncture sesssions are about 20 mins long. It would be really tiring to do acupressure on the same point for 20 mins. ) Plus, in acupuncture, many needles can be used at the same time, where are in acupressure, who only have two hands, ten fingers to use. But yes, acupuncture and acupressure follow the same principles, and they use the same points.
I don't know an English site for acupuncture chart yet. You can search on google. I have the charts in Chinese.
For emotions, you can check out Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or TAT. The tutorials are available free on their websites. Just search for them on the web. Also, read "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden and/or "Touch for Health", by Dr. John F. Thie. Good luck! ^_^