if your sympoms allow it than do not go under surgery. if the pain is bearable, there is no severe paralisis or numbness try alternative measures first.
the body is able to heal itself however needs outside help once in a while.
see a good chiro, osteopath or massage practitioner best with experience before doing surgery.
i am most succesfull now with the dorn method and the breuss massage and basically all my patients scheduled for surgery were able to do without and are now pain free. if absolutely necessary i combine this with chiro or osteo-techniques and others but my first choice is now the dorn method.
the disk my still show sings of wear or destruction after it prolapsed or bulged even there is no more pain. so a compßlete repair f a broken disk may not always happen however if you stay free of problems after therapy together with self help then you are basically healed right?
for more details please visit me at: http://www.dorn-method.com