facet joint blocks
hi my name is tim i suffer from severe chronic back pain in 1990 i had an accident at work in a saw mill guy dropped a lift of peeled cabin logs on me didnt see me he said sorry. i was 32 years old in the prime of my life about to be married to a wonderfull girl ,now my wife ,of fifteen years ,after all conserveative procedures,were attempted ,and failed i under went L3=4 to S-1 bone graff from left hip FUSION i was in hospital for eight days fitted with a stiff brace ,and given a bone stimulator to wear ,i followed the dr orders to the letter a year after the fusion it was determined i had instability of L3-4 to S1 and a documented failure. i continued to collect workers comp at 56.00 a week about half of my pay and found i was eligible for social security disability and could not and have not worked now in over 15 years .up date i suffered along for many years drinking to excessive levels about a
quart of black velvet seemed to smooth out the pain and make it bearable enough to sleep. then three years ago in sept 2003 i fell asleep at the wheel of my pickup truck doing 70 miles an hour on a dirt road ,i lost controll ,and hit a tree head on 1 mile from my home .i was found to be trapped inside of my truck upside down with my left arm pinned by the truck , i spent 17 days in a comma ,didnt know what happened dont remember any ambulance ,or the HELICOPTER ride i had to go to a trauma center ended with DWI lost my liscense to drive and went home with steel plates in my left collar bone ,punctured left lung ,and 5 broken ribs ,well.. after all this my fusion did not break.my legs felt fine i healed up nicely and QUIT drinking the night i wrecked ,2 years later my back started giveing me pain and down my left leg and into my left toes went to my dr who referred me to a pain clinic ,at the pain clinic my case was reviewed and i was told i should have nerve blocks performed at the failed fusion levels called facet injections ,again i didnt know what to expect but figgured that some day they would find what it took to relieve my chronic back and leg pain ,so far ive had three different approaches to the spine in the form of these blocks ,with very great short term relief 2-3 weeks i can do just about any normal thing but the pain allways comes back .i only weigh now 145 at the surgery 15 years ago iwas at 185+ couldnt carry all the weight so i didnt eat ,then anxiety and
Depression took over my mind with the real back pain ,and the idea i was being strung along by so many doctors that i did not know who or what to believe only that i hurt all the time it never ends for me .today i went ahead and said yes to yet another severe sounding treatment. the pain clinic dr, wants to R-F-D stands for radio frequency destroy the nerve s in my low back to stop the pain ,has any one here had this done all i was given for a sedative was TWO vallium pills at 10mg and told to take them both one hour before i get to his office he would then take me right in and insert another needle into the the nerves he believes is causeing the pain attach a wire and plug it into the wall i guess please correct me if im wrong i necer had this done am scared to think about it .today he also gave me a rx for methadone and told me to take one twice a day for the chronic pain if it returns before the RFD thing as the steroid might just last that long .can some one befriend a stranger here and let me know what im to expect from the rfd and the pain from it i should go to bed but havent slept well for years a few more nights or weeks wont matter i told the pain clinic that i was ready to blow my head off with a shotgun right in his office should he not be able to help me get some relief of my back pain ,getting so im scared for my wife that she will be left alone this winter as we i live out in the boonies the closet nieghbor is about a mile or so away ,we have no friends due to my stopping drinking ,funny when i drank i had all kinds of friends they all have turned their backs on us ,so its up to me not working to keep the home fires burning as we heat with wood and have for the last eight years again sorry for the intro ductory length of this any help any info ill be eternally greatfull for ... timmo