Re: 4th day FRUSTRATION!!!
Do not despair! Some people's bodies are more resistant to cleansings than others. It is not uncommon for a week to go by before seeing any results.
Sometimes your constitution is so used to the toxins within it that it needs some serious coersion to realize it's okay to let go of them. You're on day four, so obviously at this point you know better than your body!
Don't let your body's stubborn ways fool you into ending. We've all had bad days and uncomfortable experiences and because we didn't let them stop us, we've found out why we made this endeavor in the first place. Stick with it, you'll be happy you did!
I wish I could help with the cayenne-exit problem - it's okay to reduce that amount if you feel it will help.
And try not to get back on that scale until Monday.
You've come this far which is a testament your resolve. I know you'll see and feel positive results if you continue!
I know it.