Re: Poor Parenting NOT to Blame for ADHD
I have 6 children with mild to mid-severe adhd and i have done alot of research on it.
I have found a few reasons for it
1- food alergies, one child when he drinks milk or red 40 becomes so hyper he cannot controll himself
I respond: If a child's behaviors are the result of food allegries, then they have a
food allergy , not ADHD.
2- another was found to have high levels of mercury in his system due to
vaccinations when he was a child to say that it is a mental illness is incorect and i think we need to look at enviromental some may be predesposed to the condition autism has went up some 150% since we started using vaccines with mercury in them just a little info hope this helps someone
I respond: Children tend to clear mercury very rapidly, so rapidly in fact that this almost screwed up one study. As for this fictional thimerosal-autism is pure fiction. The original research was published by someone who had a major conflict of interest (Wakefield) and there are many studies showing no causality.