I did The Master Cleanse last Sept 1-10 with great success. It was rough at times but it was a wonderful accomplishment that really helped me in my life.
I am planning on doing another from March 23 - April 1. I am doing this to help me even more in eating raw foods (I do eat raw almost all of the time but slip sometimes and would like to eliminate that). However, another big reason I am doing it is to cleanse my mind during a big transitional period in my life. I started college when I was 15 1/2. I just turned 20 this past December and am graduating on March 21. College has been a HUGE part of my life and although I am glad it will be over in some ways, in others I am very sad. I am also very nervous about finding a job. Plus, I will be moving to a different part of town in mid-March. Basically my life is going to be turned upside down! I think that a fast during this time will really cleanse my spirit and force me to face a lot of things in my life. I was wondering if anyone else has fasted during a transitional period in their life and what their experience was.