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Question regarding children
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Published: 19 y

Question regarding children

Dear Humaworm, I have been reading this forum with great interest ever since it began, and I have to tell you that in all honesty, I am one of the people who usually frowns on many of the "commercial sites" here on Curezone, with wonderful exeptions like Andreas, Bob and a few others. I have to say that I greatly admire your integrity, knowledge and above all, a willingness to help that always seems to be on a much higher path than to simply make a buck. I imagine in person you must be a delightful, old fashioned gentleman, (Oh, and how rare that is becoming!)

Now, all that being said, I am really looking forward to starting my next round of parasite cleaning with Humaworm. I expect to make the purchase sometime this coming week. However, I have a couple of questions, and both are related. About two years ago when I had an examination with gastroenterologist, he noticed that the lining in my colon had darkened. I immediately realized that this was due to my occasional use of Senna. I understand that the stain Senna causes can have long term nevgative effects, in fact I read an article posted by our resident colon expert extraordinaire, PTree, where it showed pictures of colons darkened by Senna and discussed the effects of this condition. I was surprised how quickly one develops the staining, as I have never been a regular user of Senna formulations. In light of this, I admit that I'm a little leery of the Senna contained in one of the Humaworm formulations and what I described above.
Secondly, I want to treat my 10 year old child simultaneously, although she still fusses about swallowing any capsules, even small ones. Could I open up the capsules and pour them into applesauce or something? Even if they are bitter, it might be easier to get her to take them this way than actually swallowing. I am also concerned about the Senna preparation for her, being that she is so young.
Can you please advice me on these issues. Thank you and many continued blessings to you.


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