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Re: Houses
boronia Views: 919
Published: 20 y
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Re: Houses

From a Jungian perspective houses represent the self and the different rooms symbolising the various aspects/complexes of the personality. They're not a literal representation of houses you have lived in.

So the front room/lounge would be the ego, ie what we present to others, the outside world (ie how we want to be seen by others).

Upstairs.....may represent the conscious mind/thinking part of you, your hopes/dreams, what you want out of life. Your 'upstairs' seems to be much richer than the other rooms perhaps meaning you had high aspirations as a child for something better in your life (in reality there was no upstairs).

An old house (the castle) may represent the deepest layer of the unconscious/ the collective unconscious. It's of yourself that have been neglected or abused perhaps.

The basement may represent your shadow/unconscious side, that part of us which we are not aware of which we repress, because we are afraid of it or don't like emotion perhaps eg anger. The stronger the feeling ('sense of evil') may represent the extent to which you dislike those aspects of yourself and so want to keep them hidden (but the dream is trying to make you aware of them).

In the end though the meaning of your dreams is whatever makes sense to you, not someone elses interpretation.


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