..further information..
I personally know someone who takes 20 ORGANIC flax seed oil capsules at each meal (3X a day). There isn't anything bad/wrong that occured because of this. A change that was noted was that the person stated it was easier to have a bowel movement. Sometimes a comparable amount of the bottled, liquid fax seed oil (ORGANIC) is used at lunch in salad instead of the oil capsules. (..has been on this regimen for about a year..built up to it over a year previously..)
The amount of capsules you take for maintenance is dependend on how much you weight. I believe it is 1 tablespoon for each 50 pounds you have, or subsitute 14 capsules per tablespoon for maintenance. The amount is printed on some bottles.
Also, if you are worried you are going to "drown" in flax seed oil, you can have a (blood?) test done to verify you are ingesting/taking the correct amount for you--I've listened to this being done but I forget which test it was.