The Pizza
There were a group of old teens, maybe some in early 20s, who had ordered a pizza. This was no ordinary pizza, but had come from a restaurant that specialised in making rather unique pizzas, ones that had "dope" inside. While waiting for the pizza, some guy came by and said something about the police. I got upset with him because I didn't want the kids to know they were being monitered. The pizza was delivered but instead of sitting down and eating it, they took it to the kitchen and put it into some sort of processer to extract the dope, or make it more readily accessible. As they processed the pizza, cutting it up, shaking the pieces, and condensing them back together, the pizza talked!
"Oh!oh! Im dying, Im dying!"
"Oh! No,Im whole, Im whole!"
Some guy came to the door and opened it. He stood there in the partially open doorway demanding to be let in, or he would break the door down. I told him there was no need to break down the door as it was open enough to get through. He came in, but have no recollection of what he wanted.
I thought the best part of this dream was the talking pizza. When thinking about it I realised the pizza sounded alot like "The Cookie Monster" from Sesame Street. What I've gotten from this dream is that I'm undergoing a process which at times is uncomfortable, and other times enjoyable. Wonder what kind of
"dope" will be extracted. Marj