Purple sheets are getting tossed....
Hi Everybody,
I don't know if the purple shees have anything to do with it. But last night I dreamt that hubby and I were participating in a massive slaughter in our home. A killing spree. I can't remember the details of why, but a lot of bloodshed, bodies piled-up one on top of another. There was something 'wrong' with the people we were killing. They were zombies of some sort. The killing was also supported and condoned somehow by the 'authorities'. However the act of killing was still very terrifying and upsetting for us. After we were done we called in the police to 'clean up'. And clean up they did! When we returned, we were surprised to find the place SPOTLESS. It looked and smelled fresh as a daisy. They had even left some logs ready in the fireplace and a bouquet of flowers. We felt a lot of relief then.
So, are we transforming our relationship somehow? Killing the demons? Or is something else up?
We are thinking of going into business together which means things have to change a bit in our relationship. Hmmm?
I'd appreciate any thoughts.
Slept through the alarm with my zombie dream. Not quite awake yet...