Re: Tall? Definately dark & handsome
Hey Marj!
This dream caught my eye (O boy did it ever!)...and it sure seems to back up the dreams you've posted after this one. All that Mars-y energy (Kundalini sexual/creative snake energy) seems to need an outlet man!
Men stuff as usual...I think your more recent dreams are saying let's leave that past-life attachment (bad experiences with men?) in the past and move ahead....Higher Self (those books you got and the Line 3 message!)...will guide you.
Gonna check your chart on this morning....because SOMETHING was happening!! Something like that sounds like either Mars/Venus to me or Uranus/Mars/Venus.... a couple of things were happening on June 15th for you.
Uranus transiting the 12th house of DREAMS! (no kidding and the Kundalini planet by the way!) was inconjunct your own Mars (you rascal you) at 6degrees exactly (this is rare - because Uranus is soooo slow moving) ...and at the same time transiting Saturn (structure, stability, past life karma, life lessons) was sitting exactly on top of your own Uranus (kundalini energy) at 13degrees! So.....we had some exact moments on that morning!
Kundalini baby!! Pretty neat that Uranus was involved in both the exact transits eh?
love T