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tracey- the shields.....
yemaya Views: 793
Published: 21 y

tracey- the shields.....

finally getting around to this! sorry for all the delay...

We all have 5 shields they are in our luminous aura and look like balls of light... each one appearing differently...

There are the adult and child substance shields, the adult and child spirit shield and the elder shield.

The shields are mortal..and they all explode into the elder sheild when you are done with this life....

The substance sheilds move around our body vertically, and the spirit shiels move horizontally. The elder shield is right through our waist in the center of our body....

When we are "in a shield" we experience reality from the energy of the shield..... We have our child subtance shield in front of us unitl we hit puberty...then I adult shield comes into the front of our luminosity. The subtance sheild are suceptable to our dark sides, to duality and paradox, to negativity and our own distructive patterns... The spirit shields help to reclify, or find solutions to our problems.....they are the light within the dark....

The Child Substance shield.....
this shield is all about emotionality.... When this shield is healthy, it is fun and playful, it wants to explore the world with trust and innocence. It comes out when we happily play games with children or happily remember our past....

When this shield is not health it is dark and manipulative, having a vampire like quality..... The gender of this shield is the same as your gender in this life... so it is your little boy or little girl shield. this shield also has a male and female a ying yang...
This shield is usually out of balance... most people go here when something bad happens and they turn into a needy wounded abandoned child.... you can even sometimes notice that when someone does something"wrong" and gets caught..they start to look and act like a kid.... Well that is this shield coming into the front of their luminosity...

To heal this shield you need to balance its opposite side... so If you are a need to work on your inner little boy(like risk taking, and getting dirty and playing)...and if you are a man you need to work on your inner little girl(like learning about nuturing, about responsibility and compassion...)....

The more we assume authority and responsibility in our lives the less this sheild will come into the front... when we make peace with our past and break our old patterns... this shield will be in balance...


I think this one is really neat... because you can actually start to see your self and other people litteraly turn into to children right before your eyes when they are triggered by something that they cant take responsibilty for...

O.k more later or tomorrow...
Love, yemaya


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