For many years the only pain I had was in my left shoulderblade, or between that and my spine. Julia told me that was my GB about 2 years ago. I took the herbs and stopped when the pain in my shoulder went away about 2 months later (sound familiar?). Big mistake. Now I'm dealing with full blown gallbladder pain, I had an ultrasound today (though they wouldn't give me my results, I have to get that from the Dr.). And I can feel the connection between my gallbladder and the pain in my left shoulder now that I'm having pain in that direct area.
Keep up the cleansing. Trust me when I say you don't want to end up with more gallbladder pain. It really sucks. And it's frightening as well, tends to speed up my heart and blood pressure. If you have pain in your left shoulderblade, and it gets worse after you eat, you're well on your way. Keep up the herbs, they are great and they've been saving my life this past few months.